Our Artists

Hi, I’m Kitty, I've worked as a graphic designer for several years, so have always loved being creative. I love escaping into my art and bringing joy to the viewer through colour and expression.
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Katy is an artist and business owner based in the UK. She creates travel inspired artwork for people who love seeking new cultures, horizons and experiencing the unknown. Katy loves creating lasting memories through travel-based illustrations.
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Tell us about yourself I’m a graphic designer and illustrator based in Manchester, currently in the process of renovating a van to live in, so I can roam about and spend more time in nature. My work is often inspired...
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Tell us about yourself I’m an illustrator based in Glasgow, inspired by stories I’m surrounded by and those found in mythology. I work between Edinburgh and Glasgow and love all things outdoors that Scotland offers. Describe your artistic style I...
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Tell us about yourself I would call myself a European through and through. I’m originally German, grew up in the Netherlands and am now a Londoner. Last year, during lockdown, I decided to follow my passion and become an illustrator...
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